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Crown Royal Super Bowl commercial Foo Fi

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 мар 2023, 08:37
Dave Grohl is a master of many trades.The legendary drummer has cemented his place in music history with thumping drum lines for Hall of Fame bands Donnie Shell Jersey Nirvana and The Foo Fighters.MORE:Grohl has long been one of the crown princes of rock. But he's also a busine sman, and a good one at that. Enter Crown Royal, the silky Canadian whiskey that populates wine cellars acro s the country.Grohl is starring in a string of commercials for Seagram's signature Alejandro Villanueva Jersey liquor, showing a whole different side of him to the one we've seen on stage.MORE:With that, here's what you need to know about Crown Royal's Super Bowl ad featuring one of the greatest drummers in music history. We all could use some new knowledge here and there. Grohl is no exception. And although he might be an old dog, he's clearly capable of learning new tricks.MORE:Grohl is given a packet of terms, all of which are vaguely related to one another. He seems in shock as he gets a feel for just what these terms have to do with each other.The viewer has no clue what the through line is for these topics. However, given Grohl's surprise, Anthony Chickillo Jersey it's certain to be something unexpected.That's not all Grohl has done for Crown Royal ahead of the Super Bowl. In fact, he lent his vocal chops to the liquor company in another ad, scatting before offering a simple "Thank you." That's a real pro right there.To round out the trifecta, Grohl once again offered his booming baritone for another television spot. This one revolves around Grohl practicing Arthur Moats Jersey gratitude for all he has around him. He thanks a number of his most prized po se sions, including the main volume knob that he always has set to 10 and the flannel that helps him keep "the grunge dream alive."It's clear that Crown Royal is going all out with its Grohl angle. Time will tell if it translates to increased sales. One thing is clear, however: Grohl's going to look cool doing it Heath Miller Jersey .