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Top 7 Habits To Reduce The Risk Of Developing Glaucoma

СообщениеДобавлено: 09 июл 2021, 14:38
Things you should know about glaucoma
Glaucoma is an eye disease that damages your optic nerve that sends visual information to your brain.
It is often known as the silent thief of vision and is mainly linked with the increased pressure build-up inside the eye.
Sometimes pressure inside your eyes gets increased that damages your optic nerve and creates vision issues and if the condition persists for a long time may cause permanent damage to your eyes and lead to total blindness.
Types of glaucoma
Glaucoma is mainly of two types:
Open-angle glaucoma
It is also known as wide-angle glaucoma and is the most common type. In this, the channels through which the fluid flushes out seem to be ok but still, the fluid doesn't flow out as it used to be.
Acute angle glaucoma
It is also known as angle-closure glaucoma or narrow-angle glaucoma. In this type of glaucoma, the drainage channel between the cornea and iris of your eyes becomes too thin that it builds up excess pressure inside the eyes, and fluid inside your eyes doesn't come out normally as it should.

Glaucoma symptoms
In most cases of open-angle glaucoma, people don't diagnose any symptoms. However, some symptoms may appear at a late stage.
But in acute angle glaucoma symptoms can be seen at an early stage and are identifiable.
Some of its common symptoms are:
Loss of vision
Redness in eyes
Hazy eyes
Pain in the eyes

If any of the above symptoms are seen then immediately seek an ophthalmologist's help.

Cause behind glaucoma
Our eyes constantly produce a liquid inside, known as aqueous humour. This fluid is mostly outside from our eyes through a channel. Whenever these channels get blocked, the excess fluid produced gets build-up and creates pressure inside the eyes known as intraocular pressure. This increased intraocular pressure damages optic nerves and restricts your vision ability.
The exact cause behind this blockage is exactly not known but may be a result of severe eye injury, an eye infection or inflammation, blocked blood veins, etc.

Treating glaucoma
To protect your eyes from further damage caused due to glaucoma it is necessary to identify at an early stage and treat it accordingly.
In severe cases, if your vision is lost then you can't hand it back but lowering the inbuilt eye pressure may help in preserving the present sight that you have.
Various treatment methods are available to cure glaucoma starting from eye drop to tablets, laser surgery, and microsurgery.
Eye drop
[urlhttps://www.cheapmedicineshop.com/careprost-3-ml-of-0-03-bimatoprost-ophthalmic-solution.html]Careprost[/url] is one of the effective eye drops to treat glaucoma.
Careprost is an anti-glaucoma medicine that contains bimatoprost (0.03%w/v).
How careprost work?
Careprost is a prostaglandin analogue that works by increasing the outflow of the retained fluid inside the eyes thus reducing the increased intraocular pressure inside the eyes.
Direction for the usage of careprost
Careprost should be taken on doctors prescription only and in a guided manner.
Hold the dropper carrying the [urlhttps://www.cheapmedicineshop.com/careprost-3-ml-of-0-03-bimatoprost-ophthalmic-solution.html]careprost[/url] eye drop slightly away from the eye and press it gently to deliver the prescribed amount.
The recommended dose of careprost is one drop in each eye in a day.
Side effects of careprost
Careprost also comes with some side effects like:
Longer eyelashes
Red eyes
Itchy eyes
Burning sensation in eyes
Teary and painful eyes

Oral medicine
Your doctor may prescribe you beta-blockers that may improve your drainage channels and aid in less production of aqueous humour fluid inside your eyes.
Laser surgery
Your doctor may use laser light to open the drainage area which results in oozing out of the excess build-in fluid thus decreasing the intraocular pressure.

In this, your doctor creates another new path for fluid drainage through a procedure known as trabeculectomy.

Besides these treatment options, studies provide evidence in support of some lifestyle
changes that will aid in overcoming the condition.
So here are some tips that will help you in preventing glaucoma.

Club green leafy vegetables in your meals
Having green leafy vegetables in your meal has been proven to reduce the risk of open-angle glaucoma.
Glaucoma is caused due to excessive pressure inside the eyes that damages the optic nerve thus hindering your vision ability.
The green leafy vegetables are rich in nitrates that get converted into nitric oxide inside our bodies. This nitric oxide maintains proper blood flow and helps in reducing eye pressure thus saving your eyes from any possible damage.

2) Provide sun protection to your eyes
When you go outside in the sun, your eyes receive a lot of light out which some are harmful UV rays. These harmful UV rays may result in the formation of some exfoliating substances inside your eyes that may result in the blockage of the channels through which the intraocular fluid flushes out of the eyes thus leading to a build-up of excess pressure inside your eyes.
So always put on sunglasses while going outside during the day to protect your eyes from these damaging sun rays.
3) Consume salmon and other fish
Including fish in your diet will help you to reduce the symptoms of glaucoma. Fishes are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega 3 fatty acid helps in draining out the fluid out from inside the eyes thus reducing the intraocular pressure inside the eyes and prevents glaucoma thus saving your vision.

4) Mild exercises
Exercise is one of the effective ways to minimize the risk of developing glaucoma and various other eye-related problems. Moderate exercise is proven to reduce intraocular pressure and aids in proper blood flow inside your eyes thus saving your eyes from damage.
Do not exhaust yourself while exercising as it may adversely affect your overall health.
5) Take care of your teeth
Some studies showed that good dental help will help you to minimize the risk of developing glaucoma.
It is found that periodontal disease may trigger some neuroinflammatory response that can cause damage to the optic nerve thus leading to glaucoma. So to keep your eyes working you need to keep your teeth clean.

6) Quit smoking
According to research, it is found that people who smoke are at higher risk to develop glaucoma than non-smokers. Nicotine present inside a cigarette smoke may damage your blood vessels that hinder pepper blood flow. And also it increases your chances of elevation in blood pressure and inflammation in the eyes which can be a cause behind diabetes and cataracts. Both of these are leading risk factors of glaucoma.

7) Limit your caffeine consumption
Coffee and other caffeinated drinks help you to stay awake and active but overconsumption of these caffeinated drinks may increase your risk of encountering glaucoma.
Caffeine intake may result in building up pressure behind your eyes and restricting the blood flow which may increase your chances of getting glaucoma.

Meta Description
Adopt healthy habits to minimize the risk of developing glaucoma thus saving your life from further damage.