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How to Counter Dynamax Pokémon without Dynamaxing in Pokémon

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 дек 2019, 08:00
Sword and Shield is the latest addition in the Pokémon franchise, and we all know that Game Freaks have included several new aspects in it. One of the major and intriguing aspects is Dynamaxing, which is based on the monster concept. Those who are not aware of it, it is a feature that can turn the Pokémon into a whooping size along with a drastic change in Pokémon stats and ability.

However, there is a lot of restriction over this feature that a player can only use Dynamaxing on one Pokémon in one game, and the Pokémon will get back to its original form after being called out back in the Pokéball.
Although it is an amazing feature, sometimes it becomes really hard for the players to use their Dynamaxing feature because it will reveal or break their strategy. Below, we have gathered some information that will attain you with some tricks to counter competitor’s Dynamax Pokémon with your normal size Pokémon.

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