Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga - рeintbols, пейнтбол, paintball, peintbols Riga, spelet peintbolu, пейнтбол в Риге, пейнтбол Рига, играть в пейнтбол, lazertags, lazertags Riga, лазертаг, лазертаг в Риге, играть в лазертаг, peintball, рeintbola, пейнтбольный, пейнтбольная, peintbola parks, peintbola klubs, peintbola veikals

Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in RigaЛатвийский Пейнтбольный Клуб
Кр.Валдемара 40, Рига
тел. +371-67291400/27821000
e-mail office@paintball.lv
English Latvian Russian 
Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga
  Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga Главная  Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga Играть   Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga Интернет-Магазин Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga  Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga Магазин  Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga Форумы05 ноября 2024 
Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga
Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga
Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga

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Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga


Where to start if You want to play.

To take part in the game, all u need to do is to call to any club numbers and come at the nominated time to the club's gaming ground. The club will do the rest. You will be greeted, told all the major rules, given the required gear and assisted on how to use it. We can suply a rent for 200 simultaneously playing people: semi-automatic markers, defensive masks, special clothing, defensive westkits for women and children, etc. Qualified personal will assure You will have a good holiday rest. Through Your playing day, you will be accompanied by a judge-instructor. All technical problems will be eliminated by a technician.

Also LPC can arrange off-site games at the customer's place, anywhere in Latvia. In this case, club workers will arrive to You witjh every necessary equipment. THe price of the off-site games will vary from the original price only by the transport charges.


Check the magnified map

The Game. What will happen?

Fighters, that come to game, will be given a briefing in which they will be given the detailed information about safety and rules of the game. After that players are equipied with camouflage coat, defense mask and semi-automatic painball weapon. Women are additionaly equipied with a armored west. (You can read more about our equipment, in the equipment section.) After wich, the gropu is dividet in two teams, and with the judge, are escorted to the battlefield a.k.a. playing grounds.

In total in Paintball Park there are twelve various on a configuration and a relief - playgrounds. Including: the front town, forts, pass, a wood bastion, the Vietnamese village, etc. More details about it here.

All playgrounds are separated from spectators by a protective grid and are safe for players. Games, ussualy, pass on all platforms by turns, certainly, in view of wishes of players. Average game lasts 10-15 minutes after that the is a small pause during which players have an opportunity if it is necessary, to be recharged by balls or to be cleaned from hits of the opponent. In total on the average within game day (3 hours) passes about 10 fights.

The script and fighting object on each fight are offered by the instructor accompanying group. You will participate in various "fighting" operations on various platforms ot the Paintball Park, going through "the Vietnamese jungle", to storm a fort, "wipe out" enemy town and to beat off attacks of the opponent, having covered in a dugout.

All games are supervised by judges, any attempts to play dishonestly or not by rules are stopped. Special attention the judge are giving to the safety rules! All programs last three hours, including instructing, preparation and changing clothes.

Then, already having changed clothes, many participants of hot fights will go to continue a holiday under canopies at the river, or in the Guest house.

We'll be glad to organize You a holiday at any time of the year and in any day of week from 9.00 mornings and up to midnight. Before You visit The paintball Park we ask You to phone preliminary on one of numbers of club.

Safety is our priority, all games are completely supervised by our skilled instructors. All equipment used in games, is safe and is intended for game in a paintball, constantly checked and served. The most important safety rule - to protect eyes. Masks on a game floor never should be removed. Judges constantly watch performance of this rule. Except for that to players of school age special clasped masks of the raised protection which the child cannot independently remove stand out.

The personnel. Our professional and perfectly prepared personnel has a huge operational experience in paintball. It's not only their work, but also hobby. They are always ready to help you.

Права РЅР° копирование © Peintbols - Paintball - Пейнтбол Р’СЃРµ права защищены.

Опубликовано РЅР°: 2007-12-20 (13519 Прочтено)

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Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga
Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga

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