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Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in RigaЛатвийский Пейнтбольный Клуб
Кр.Валдемара 40, Рига
тел. +371-67291400/27821000
e-mail office@paintball.lv
English Latvian Russian 
Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga
  Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga Главная  Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga Играть   Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga Интернет-Магазин Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga  Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga Магазин  Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga Форумы19 сентября 2024 
Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga
Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga
Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga

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Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga
Big Game

«Gang Wars»

                                                                                                                          Lat  Rus         
The Territory of peninsular Juglumbia is under control of 3 clans.
-         “Forest gang “- controls forest part of peninsular, they are classic bandits, highway mans, but main source of money is from growing drugs and selling it to another city.
-         “City gang” buy the drugs from “Forest gang”, sell narcotics in overgrown district, this is the main deal of “City gang”, but they are not against another work.
-         “Highlanders” control all this narcotics traffic with help of under controlled mountain pass. They are ready to everything for money. This band is the most hard and impudent of all gangsters, because their living place is not reached to another, they despise theirs neighbours.
“Highlanders” are the reason of conflict in peninsular. They have blocked narcotic transporting through the mountain pass, that’s why another two bands really want kill all of “Highlanders” bandits.
This will be on 13th may 2007 year at the Latvian Paintball Park territory.
All the game will be around 3 main moments: growing, transporting and selling the drugs. During the game all sides will have different missions for harvesting, capturing and storing up the drugs or money. At the end those command, which has more money or drugs will be the winner.
-         Drugs- transparencies bags, with white powder.
-         Money-green cuts in transparencies bags.
Time of game is divided to 3 stages. At the end of each stage command will hand over drugs and money to organization: 1 bag with money – 1 point
                                             1 bag with drugs – 1 point
After first two stages only half of drugs and money will be handed over, but another half will be taken again to game place. At the game place bands keep money or drugs in special well seeing boxes in 3 several places. Boxes, bands cannot hide in inaccessible places or spot it.
During the game two bands can be allies, but no more than one stage.
Main missions:
-         Transporting drugs  through the pass
-         Attack to ferrymen from another band
-         Search and capture of drugs in the growing places
-         Search and capture of weight, which was lost in jungle
-         Attack to neighbours to capture drugs or money
Entry fee:
From 01.04.2007 to 01.05.2007 – 20ls /28.50 euro (15ls/21.50 euro under 17 year)
From 01.05.2007 to 12.05.2007 – 22ls/31.50 euro (17ls/24.50 euro under 17 year)
13.05.2007 – 25ls/36.00 euro (20ls/28.5euro under 17 year)
Groups (5 or more people) and club card – sale, if application was done before the game.
1. Entering ticket
2. Refueling with CO2 and air
3. Meal
4. Medals for participation
5. Orders for bravery and services
-         Unforgettable pyrotechnic effects
-         Balls – 2,85 euro/100 balls ( 3 ls ) , 50 euro/ box ( 35 ls )
-         Smoke grenade – 1,71 euro ( 1.20 ls )
-         Grenade – paint grenade – 2,14euro ( 1.50 ls )
-         Paintball mine M-1 – 5,71 euro ( 4 ls )
More information will be later! Keep contact with us!
We invite to collaborate Latvian paintball clubs, as also from other countries. Term will be sending by application.

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Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga
Пейнтбол, лазертаг в Риге - Peintbols, lāzertags Rīgā - Paintball, lasertag in Riga

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